The Holy Fire Reiki classes were totally awesome. For the first time in many years I really believe I will heal. The scanning of my body and removing stuff I picked up from my Mother where unbelievable. When I draw the Holy Fire symbol on my hands the heat is very strong. Thank you for giving me the tools to get my life back again. I have not been this excited in years to believe I will feel whole. As I think I have never been whole in this lifetime. Many thanks and Lots of Gratitude.
All of my Reiki classes taught will be the upgraded Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki. This upgrade allows the activation of Reiki in the student to be more pure and powerful. In the Holy Fire Reiki training, the “attunements” for levels 1, 2 and 3 classes have been replaced with “placements”.
During the “placements”, there is no physical contact with the students from the teacher. The teacher only helps prepare the student to be in a more relaxed receptive space thru guided meditation. The “placement” is directly done by the Holy Fire® Reiki, allowing the most optimal, powerful and pure vibration of Holy Fire Reiki for the student.
Reiki classes are meant to be a path to self-exploration, health, and happiness. Together with the other attendees, you will learn the new more refined, evolved new system of Reiki healing technique called, “Usui Holy Fire® Reiki“.
Become the master of your body and mind. Learn to manage your energy on your own and live a healthier and happier life.